I’m excited to share that the premier bodywork and therapeutic event of the year is coming to the Manhattan Beach Marriott on July 30-31, 2016. The Second Annual Resistance Stretching Symposium is being held to share the importance of resistance stretching and the methods, ideas, science, and research behind the practice. This event is ideal for fit-minded LA locals who are interested in learning about recuperative techniques in order to feel and perform better in all aspects of life.
The symposium will introduce you to a variety of Resistance Stretching tools, the Rolflex™ being one of them. This whole-body self-care tool allows you perform self-administered “mashing” or Active Release and true Trigger Point therapy on the body.
The Symposium takes form as an interactive two-day event that will offer participants the chance to experience unique breakout sessions taught by leading experts in the industry. Sessions will spotlight groundbreaking restorative techniques, as well as unique ways to improve self-care and address problems with movement limitation. Sessions will also demonstrate some of the hottest new tools accelerating recovery and performance such as the Rolflex. Methods covered at the event make up the fabric of the resistance stretching profession. They have impacted and will continue to impact tens of thousands of people around the world for years to come.
The symposium will introduce you to a variety of Resistance Stretching tools, the Rolflex™ being one of them. This whole-body self-care tool allows you perform self-administered “mashing” or Active Release and true Trigger Point therapy on the body.
The event will be hosted in part by Nic Bartolotta, Chief Clinical Officer of ROM products (creators of the Rolflex), licensed physical therapist, holistic health practitioner, speaker, and creator of Dynamic Contraction Technique (DCT), which has revolutionized how we understand flexibility and the methods used to address human performance and rehabilitation.
Host and Licensed Physical Therapist, Nic Bartoletta, demonstrates resistance stretching methods on a partner.
Special guests include: Gary Vitti, former athletic trainer of the Lakers, Jules Mitchell, the founder of Jules Mitchell Yoga, Scott Kuhagen, the founder of M11 Fitness, and many more. Additional event attractions include an expert Q&A, raffle, and social hour.
To learn more or to register, please visit: http://www.resistancestretching.com/