I wouldn't have believed it unless I saw it with my own eyes. The Before and Afters. Talking to two women who had the procedure LAST NIGHT!!! Seeing the pix of the giant TUBS of fat they had removed – all, under no anethesia, within less than an hour, zero down time and THAT IS IT.
Hollywood's liposuction doctor to the stars, Dr. Aaron Rollins patented Airbrush Laser Lipo Sculpture is the latest insider beauty secret that whipped many a celeb (I will never tell who!) into awards season red carpet shape in no time.
The Airbrush Laser Lipo Sculpture procedure allows Dr. Rollins to sculpt bodies using a 2mm device that drains the excess fat leaving no scars or stitches behind and most patients can even return to work within 48 hours.
Unlike the typical liposuction surgery which can require up to 6 months of healing, this is a standard beauty procedure similar to botox or a chemical peel where patients are awake the entire time and can have full conversations, talk on the phone or even listen to music during the procedure.
“Patient comfort is my main focus,” states Dr. Rollins “because we focus exclusively on laser liposuction at Elite Body Sculpture, this has allowed me the ability to pioneer new techniques to increase patient comfort and maximize their results while minimizing their recovery and down time.”
Read more about Dr. Rollins below – the amazing thing is, this is ALL HE DOES. This is his THING. He created, perfected and patented this technique. You may have recently read THIS ARTICLE in LA CONFIDENTIAL.
Here are some of Dr. Rollins’ most popular procedures we saw on the red carpet this season:
Oscar Arms
Sleeveless dresses are always a trend on the Oscar red carpet and many women, even celebrities, have unwanted “flab” under their arms. Dr. Rollins says Airbrush Laser Lipo on the arms is one of the most popular procedures requested during award season. In less than a week the patient is fully healed and ready to show off their sleeveless dress and fantastic arms.
Ball Gown Body
Any woman who wears a ball gown, celebrity or not, needs the perfect shape inside the dress to look their best outside. To achieve the perfect look while wearing a tight ball gown dress, Dr. Rollins suggests an instant “butt lift” by removing the tailbone fat and sculpting a perfectly shaped derrière as well as taking some fat out of the waist line.
Camera-Ready Face
Dr. Rollins says removing fat from under the chin makes the biggest difference in appearance. A few minutes of Airbrush Laser Lipo under the chin can instantly make your entire body look thinner. I AM SO DOING THIS ASAP ASAP ASAP – HAPPY FOURTY SOMETHING BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEE! Promise to let you know how it goes!
Elite Body Sculpture – Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills, CA, 90210
310-247-4747 | 1-877-586-6950
More about Dr. Rollins:
Dr. Aaron Rollins is the liposuction doctor to the stars, as well as, the founder of Elite Body Sculpture in Beverly Hills, California and Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Rollins is considered a specialist in body sculpting and has performed thousands of laser liposuction procedures. Due to this, he has been featured on numerous media outlets including Good Morning America, Extra, Good Day LA as well as being featured in Europe on RTL and Nova TV.
He is a life-long art lover who studied sculpture in the evenings while attending medical school. To fulfill his dream of combining art and science, he eventually attended medical school.
Dr. Rollins went to medical school at the McGill University Faculty of Medicine in Montreal, Canada after completing his undergraduate studies at McGill University. He has received many awards for his distinguished work, including the I.D.E.A. Bronze Medal for medical inventions and the “Great Distinction” honor at McGill University. He is affiliated with the American College of Surgeons, American Board of Laser Surgery, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and the American Society of Liposuction Surgery. He is also a member of the World Academy of Cosmetic Surgery.
“Patient comfort is my main focus,” states Dr. Rollins “because we focus exclusively on laser liposuction at Elite Body Sculpture this has allowed me the ability to pioneer new techniques to increase patient comfort and maximize their results while minimizing their recovery and down time.”
Curriculum Vitae
American Board of Laser Surgery
American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
American Society of Liposuction Surgery
McGill University, Montreal, Canada – BA Psychology
McGill University Faculty of Medicine, Montreal, Canada – Doctor of Medicine
University of Miami, Miami, FL – General Surgery
UCSF, San Francisco, CA – Plastic Surgery
I.D.E.A. Bronze Medal for medical inventions
McGill University “Great Distinction”
Golden Key National Honor