Category Archives: WELLNESS

June 27, 2014

I don’t WTF is going on with my skin, but last month had me looking like a pizza face teenage boy.  Not kidding.  I thought maybe I was taking too much DHEA – until I realized I wasn’t taking ANY.  Hormones? (yes)  Stress? (yes).

What did I do? Picked, clawed and did the opposite of the responsible thing – which was what I finally did today, however, a bit too late – when I head straight to Trina for an Extraction Facial.

Trina, of Facial Bungalow spent 8 years at Rapaport Dermatology as an acne specialist.  Literally. If anyone knows how to deal, heal and medically extract an acne eruption, its Trina.

First, I got a little reprimand from her – as expected and I deserved every bit of “WHY DIDN’T YOU COME IN ASAP?!!”, etc…

Next, she did her best to heal the situation.  But the scabs are bad, the damage was done. UGH. She cleaned out my skin (um, wounds? yah, this is gross) and worked her magic on my minefield of a face.

Bottom line, if you have a break out DON’T TOUCH IT! Head straight to Trina – seriously.  She is not only the top anti-aging aesthetician in town, she is a force of nature with acne and extractions.

I learned my lesson.  Please don’t make the same mistake!!


Secrets to amazing skin

May 14, 2014

Lately I’ve been getting some major skin props.  Bumped into an old BFF at Erewhon the other day – and she just blurted “WTF, where did all your melasma go?!! It’s totally….GONE!”

“Oh righttttt!!! I forgot to tell you, I did a series of bad-ass laser and photo facials with Launa Stone at this spa in Calabasas called…Calabasas Med Spa. I meant to tell you about her.  They were the shit.”

And I forgot to tell you guys. Launa is one of those master, been-around-forever- aestheticians.  Launa (also an RN) cut her teeth early in her career working with Norman Leaf.  She took a look at my skin and said let’s work on your pigmentation, pours, redness and fine lines.  (Basically, everything.)  She just said “this is what we’re doing” and I was her willing subject.  She is a true  super hero wielding her amazing lasers like nobody’s biz.

I made the drivveeee once every 4 weeks (not bad at all, and I HATE to drive!!)  to her sweet spa. I actually started to look forward to my secret get-aways that were a couple of hours at least, round trip.   The laser treatments themselves were actually really short – maybe 30 minutes tops to zap, zap, ZAP.  No down time at all.  Nada.  This stuff was easy.  Maybe a tiny hot spot feeling during some of the laser procedures ( we did a few different kinds) but nothing to write home, or, er, blog about.  I am around a month or so post-treamtments and my skin just gets better and more rejuvenated looking.  The redness around my cheeks and nose is gone and my tone is way more even.

While this is all I did at Launa’s spa, there are a ton of other goodies going on there.  They literally do everything.  The laser work is top notch but given the expertise of the people running, I imagine they are up to some serious good all the way around.

23659 Calabasas Road
Calabasas, CA 91302
[email protected]

Need a new adjustment? Dr. Bryan Abrams is more than just a Chiropractor.

May 5, 2014

Ever since I had bi-lateral hip replacements years ago, I have been scared stiff of chiropractors. But I love being adjusted and have been feeling that my achey muscles and soft tissue could really benefit from some manipulation – so I was super excited to meet Dr. Abrams who specializes not only in joint-realigining aspect of chiropractic work – but places a great amount of emphasis on soft-tissue work.  After a few emails, I couldn’t wait to get in his office to experience this young doc for myself.  It’s so nice to be so impressed with a young, hungry. well educated and passionate professional – and I totally was with Dr. Abrams.
My initial evaluation was thorough and we went through a ton of testing, checking out nerves, reflexes and all that from head to toes.  We only adjusted my neck in the cracking-sorta-way we associate with chiro work – but we spent a ton of time on soft tissue and mayofascial release.
Eveything felt amazing and most importantly I was in fantastic hands.
Here’s a bit more about Dr. Abrams.  He gets a thumbs up from me – and offers fitness instructors in town ONE FREE ADJUSTMENT a month, and that’s pretty awesome if you ask me!!
Here’s a bit more about his work that I grabbed from his site.
Dr. Abrams considers soft tissue therapy to be a very critical element of his treatment program. Where manipulation is very effective for the bones and the joints, soft tissue therapy addresses the surrounding muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves and fascia. Soft tissue injuries occur when there is macro (i.e.: car accident or a fall) or micro (i.e.: aberrant motion or poor posture) trauma. This results in the production of fibrotic (scar) tissue in the muscles/tendons, which limits range of motion and generates pain. Dr. Abrams detects those adhesions and utilizes a specific stretch while simultaneously adding a dynamic motion into the respective muscle group. This combination yields a far superior outcome.
For most injuries that Dr. Abrams treats in his office, it’s necessary to transition into an active phase of care. In other words, once the patient begins to feel better, we can begin to focus on regaining optimal function. This is accomplished by performing a functional assessment to diagnose each patient’s weak link(s) in their kinetic chain. Dr. Abrams will incorporate a rehab program containing specific exercises to target the dysfunctional movement patterns. You’ll notice when performing these exercises that they are complex movements that involve multiple muscle groups simultaneously. From a dynamic standpoint, our musculoskeletal system behaves synergistically. This balance is what creates functionality, which is what we will strive to restore.
Massage and Pilates are additional services offered at Abrams Chiropractic. For further information and pricing, please call 424.302.0470
Manual adjustments are one of the powerful components of Dr. Abrams’ treatment regimen. A chiropractic adjustment is a high velocity, low amplitude thrust to a joint that is executed by using the chiropractor’s hands. Dr. Abrams has a reputation of giving extremely effective and gentle adjustments. Adjustments are usually followed by an audible release of gas (which sounds like a popping noise). The adjustment is proven to be very beneficial due to the inverse relationship of nocireceptors (pain receptors) and mechanoreceptors (movement receptors). By activating the mechanoreceptors through an adjustment, you desensitize the nocireceptors. In other words, by increasing movement you decrease pain. According to the American Chiropractic Association, “Chiropractic is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Although chiropractic has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects. The risks associated with chiropractic, however, are very small. Many patients feel immediate relief following chiropractic treatment, but some may experience mild soreness, stiffness or aching, just as they do after some forms of exercise. Current research shows that minor discomfort or soreness following spinal manipulation typically fades within 24 hours.”
Dr. Bryan Abrams received his Doctor of Chiropractic at the prestigious National University of Health Sciences, graduating Cum Laude in 2010. While in school, Dr. Abrams developed a strong interest in soft tissue techniques and functional rehabilitation. Utilizing these two facets of therapy in combination with chiropractic manipulation has given him a rounded approach to treating his patients, which yields quicker and more effective treatment results. Dr. Abrams is a second-generation chiropractor (his dad currently practices in Massachusetts). Having been adjusted the majority of his life; he was able to experience firsthand the benefits of chiropractic care, which inspired him to pursue a career in alternative medicine. Dr. Abrams leads an active and healthy life style. When he’s not focusing on healthcare, Dr. Abrams can be found frequenting many of LA’s music venues (which may or may not have something to do with his singer/songwriter Fiancée) and loves hiking with his Goldendoodle, Mila.


9478 W. Olympic Blvd. Suite #307, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Phone: 424.302.0470 | Fax: 310.553.3971 | Email: [email protected]

Conveniently located in the heart of Beverly Hills between Beverwil and El Camino on the south side of Olympic. The building is a brick building that says “Heritage” on the side.

What I learned from being with my kids 24/7 in NYC last week. OH and some amazing new beauty brand discoveries.

April 25, 2014

I took both kids to my mom’s in NYC for a good 9 days.  It was the best week I’ve had in – I don’t know how long.  Something about having no choice but to full take over and just immerse myself with my kiddos was incredible.  I didn’t do a lick a work.  Maybe a beat here and there but that’s it.  I feel empowered, a much better parent and my patience and tolerance muscles were so seriously flexed, that I feel like I can parent with total calm in any situation.  I was stress-free, relaxed and gave my kids the best parenting they’ve had from me – ever.  Something to say for throwing yourself in the fire and going away alone with kids. DO IT.  And you’ll be a pro. That being said, I came home to boxes of goodies on my desk to report on and some stuff I have been dying to share with you! Some gorgeously packaged goodies from the GOLDFADEN skincare line.  (PACKAGE CRUSH) I cannot wait to try.  They have been raved about big time.  High end. Good stuff. The real deal.


The new flavors from QUEST NUTRITION (the bars I am not only addicted to, I can honestly say I have a “habit” and the new flavors like COOKIES AND CREAM are downright psychotically addictive, just ask the girl at the gym – I spend a ridiculous amount a month on them ).  If you are bar-crazed then you may have caught wind of the RAVE about these.  People are fff-reaking out about them.  Go online and look.  They are SICK!  OH, and some other goodies from themarrived – their new gulf free pasta line!


Two beauty nectars you drink TAUT and BEAUTY NECTAR from Ashieda jammed packed with .sliderUnknown

I am speechless about Verso Dark Spot Fix from Stockholm.  First of all it WINS my packaging and website awards of 2014.  Check out their website. Perfection.


Hey VERSO, if you are hiring a designer, let’s talk.  It’s so outrageously stunning it’s hard for me to get past the beauty of the bottle (yes, I kept the box too).   And, it’s a fantastic product.  Get it. Stare at it. Bring it out at parties. But most of all, use it.


Oh, this Bite Beauty Agave lip mask – let’s just say, I took it out during a branding/client meeting, and the two women were ordering it via their iPhones within ten minutes.


This gorgeous Hydracontinue bottle of Phytomer:


So stay tuned!

WRINKLES BEWARE Introducing Skinn Cosmetics’ Deep Wrinkle Protocol

March 25, 2014

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Wrinkles, beware – there’s a new protocol in town.


Skinn Cosmetics introduces a dynamic trio of active ingredients and cutting edge technology to treat those deep-set, stubborn wrinkles: Deep Wrinkle Protocol System.

CEO, Founder and the man behind all things Skinn Cosmetics, Dimitri James, says the Deep Wrinkle Protocol trio is the result of Skinn’s deepest research into dermal anti-aging technology, proven to dramatically reduce the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles.


Collagenesis Deep Wrinkle Protocol Line Peel Solution

This resurfacing solution boasts a multi-fruit acid complex, cocktailed with Mandelic Acid, White Tea Extract and Vitamin C, to exfoliate, resurface and help obliterate the appearance of deep lines. The solution also features Luremin, a more effective, next generation non-retinoid ingredient that is more effective than retinol at line reducing, yet non-irritating and non-inflaming. This controlled-release peel is designed for concentrated areas on the face to gently resurface and exfoliate lined areas, stimulating the appearance of smoother, softer, younger-looking skin while protecting against environmental damage.

Collagenesis Deep Wrinkle Protocol Deep Line Erasing Serum:

An advanced anti-wrinkle treatment packed with new innovative peptides that visibly plump deep lines and wrinkles. Utilizing a unique patented amino acid encapsulation technology to provide a lipo-filling effect, the serum will effectively help to stimulate and rebuild the lost suppleness that occurs as skin ages – skin will appear plump and more lifted. The serum also features Syn-ake peptide, a synthetic tri-peptide that mimics the effects of reduced muscle contractions resulting in a Botox-like effect, leading to a reduction in wrinkles and smoother skin. Additionally, this concentrated serum is packed with firming, regenerative peptides, HA spheres and 3D intensors for an emblematic Collagenesis® global approach.

Sonic Infuser Deep Resonating Tool

Skinn’s Deep Resonating Sonic Infuser amplifies the overall effectiveness of the Collagenesis® Deep Wrinkle Protocol Deep Line Erasing Serum or any of Skinn’s advanced serum formulations. Apply any serum directly onto problem-lined areas, then activate the Infuser to penetrate treatment to the deepest levels with the power of ultrasonic induction. Be assured that this gentle Infuser is safe to use around the delicate eye area without risk of breaking capillaries.

Use daily (morning and night) for most dramatic results.


The Deep Wrinkle Protocol System retails for $99.50 and is available for purchase on

About Skinn Cosmetics

Skinn Cosmetics is a line of premium skincare and color cosmetic formulas developed by professional make-up artist Dimitri James.  Skinn formulates and manufactures all of its own products, using highly active, concentrated natural ingredients and avoiding excess water, fillers or packaging. From concept to compact, from brainstorm to bottle, every product worthy of the Skinn name comes to life under one roof, and under James’ watchful eye. Skinn Cosmetics can be purchased at and on ShopNBC.