WelleCo Super Elixir Nourishing Protein

October 13, 2016


Winter does NOT meant I am giving up my smoothies. I am rethinking how to incorporate my favorite ingredients into warmer seasonal fare. We are LOVING this unique WellCo formula not only added to my pre and post gym smoothies but also a dash in my kids oatmeal, cocoa, muffins, banana bread and pancakes. YES!

WHY? It comes from plants including peas, dandelions and organic sprout brown rice with a TRULY delicious chocolate taste that is derived from Raw Peruvian Cacao (my fave)

Additional benefits of the Nourishing Protein include:

Maintenance of blood sugar levels as a part of a healthy balanced diet

The fiber will keep you feeling full for longer

Acia helps with free radical elimination

B vitamins for anti-stress benefits

Digestive enzymes help boost your metabolism

