May 7, 2011

Our newest sponsor is the awesome beauty lovers mecca – Pretty City.

If you don't know PRETTY CITY, you need to!

Spa deals – best in beauty, treatments and more – it's all here!

 These are a few of my prettiest things from Los Angeles PrettyCity.com

The Beauty Closet: 50% or more off the best in beauty products and shipping is always free. This week’s offering is 54% off L.A.’s own Marc Edward Skin Care (he’s gotten the likes of Christy Turlington and Ali Landry glowing). Step into the closet at http://prettycity.com/deals.cfm
L.A.’s best Spa + Salons at up to 70% off every day:  Find and save at your fave at http://losangeles.prettycity.com/

 VIPretty events: PrettyCity goes green in June for the 3rd annual Los Angeles Green and Gorgeous® event with SHAPE Magazine and Organic Spa Magazine. Eco-chic beauty offerings meet sustainable spa-going and more. Check out the insanely fabulous goodie bags at http://prettycity.com/events/products.cfm and then get your $15 ticket before they’re all gone. Purchase tix at http://www.prettycity.com/green/events.cfm


The Beauty Closet