Wanderlust Hollywood Is Coming!

March 1, 2017

And here’s a sampling of what’s soon-to-happen. 

Re-Imagine Your Truth – An IN-Q Experience

Day-long creative writing conference 

Saturday, March 4 / 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM PST

Explore more facets of your unique creative voice and connect with others at this transformational day of storytelling and poetry workshops with National Poetry Slam Champion and multi-platinum winning songwriter, IN-Q. The day also includes a guided meditation with Light Watkins, followed by an Omni-breath session with Rabia Hayek, yoga, and the powerful discussion with special guest speaker Sean Stephenson, who will change the way you look at the life you live.

Jai Uttal Roots, Rock, Rama! Album Release Concert

Sat, March 11 // 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM PST

Wanderlust Hollywood is proud to present North American kirtanwallah Jai Uttal performing songs from his new double album. A fresh take on kirtan, his new “Roots, Rock, Rama” album fuses reggae, rock, folk, and Brazilian music making for a sacred dance of the devas. Participate in devotional call and response and experience deep peace and spiritual insight through the sacred sound current. Come together to dive deep with Jai and the Southern California bhakti community.

Teacher Training intensive:

Radical Freedom: The Alchemy of Presence & Tantric Meditation Intensive with Scott Schwenk

February 24–March 24 / Fridays from 1:00–6:00PM

In all forms of Alchemy, fire is present. Within each human being, behind all the thoughts, body sensations, and emotions is a spark of dynamic awareness which is free from conditioning, and the source of joy, love, and prolific innovation and creativity. This tantric meditation intensive is deep training in consciously living. 

Heart of Devotion Workshop with Krishna Das

Sunday, April 30 // 3:00–6:00PM

With a remarkably soulful voice that touches the deepest chord in even the most casual listener, Krishna Das has been called yoga’s “rock star.” Unite with fellow seekers and experience the power of group call and response chanting. No experience necessary. KD will also share personal stories from his years on the path and take questions from the group. 

For more information on all Wanderlust Hollywood events, please visit: http://wanderlusthollywood.com/events