March 31, 2010

I was excited to try sugaring at STUDIO ALEXANDRIA IN BRENTWOOD , a waxing alternative, as I've heard about all the positive things about sugaring (vs. waxing): It's a great conditioner for skin, longer re-growth time between treatments, no in-growns, can get really short hair, and all painlessly…HUH!

The studio is super nice – spankin' clean and crisp.  They don't use any waxy paper on the tables when you lie down, it's sprayed with a super-high-power disinfectant.  This took me a minute to get used to (I'm a major germ a phobe) and it felt a little yicky at first but then I soon forgot about it as the sugaring technique was explained to me and I was assured it's been chemically disinfected. 

I was there to do bikini, and Brazilian at that and I gotta say I was scared. I'm 7 months preggo and super sensitive. A week earlier someone said to me "Don't do Brazilian with sugaring! It's gonna kill."  I asked Lina, the owner and super lovely 20 year sugaring expert, about this.  She said, it's hair removal, of course you feel it, but it certainly does not hurt more that waxing.  Well, ok then, let's go, I said!  

First I was sprayed and powdered and then Lina took this gummy and cool (not hot, which I liked!) jelly sugar lemony substance and rolled and rubbed it into the skin. Then she quickly pulled in the direction of the hair growth, not against like waxing, and voila, the hair was gone!  Ok, here's the thing, as soon as we started getting into the 'deeper' areas of my bikini, I just could not take the pain.  It was too much for me in my preggo state.  So we just cleaned things up and moved on to my underarms. This part was great. So super fast and painless.  I'm going to chalk the major owie in the bikini area to pregnancy hormones and try back with Lina after this baby pops out.  Anything that promises no-ingrowns is something I am definitely going to persevere with. I'm looking forward to seeing how long re-growth takes too.  So far it's been a week and things look and feel great!  I don't have the price list available but it looks like it might be a bit on the higher end of things.  But if you call you can get the low-down.  Doesn't seem to be on the website.  And ask for Lina, she's the best!


(310) 492-5070

11740 San Vicente Blvd (Gorham Avenue) 
BrentwoodCA 90049

Welcome to Studio Alexandria LA, the premiere luxury salon showcasing Alexandria Professional™'s pain-free Advanced Body Sugaring – the natural, gentle, safe, effective and eco conscious solution for hair removal.

Studio Alexandria LA exclusively uses the Alexandria Professional™ Brand of must-have skin-loving hair removal products.  They are eco friendly, Paraben Free, Urea Free and Petro Chemical Free with 100% quality ingredients.

Using the Alexandria Professional™ sugar paste hair removal technique, Studio Alexandria LA promises clients the ultimate centuries-old extraction of hair that is today considered a must-do in the healthy removal of unwanted facial and body hair. The technique painlessly extracts hair in its natural direction of growth and does so when the hair is still in the early growth stage, eliminating breakage, unnecessary discomfort, irritation and ingrown hairs while exfoliating dry skin cells. The result is smooth, beautiful skin without the discomforts of other hair removal techniques.

Experience for yourself the new name in painless hair removal — and the thrill of a secret ancient art passed down from generation to generation as the definitive treatment for the hygienic extraction of unwanted hair growth on both women and men.  Relax in our serene environment, just as the Egyptians did thousands of years ago.  Let us show you why we’re the gold standard in beauty and wellness services and products.

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