first :: i was mad obsessed with my $32 (now on sale for $14.99) oxfords from old navy. here:
until i learned of STOLEN RICHES laces, designed by my hubby's friend, the dashing and dapper David Barclay.
next :: they are wicked and i need them in ever color.
how :: a pair in florescent orange (with signature metal tips) were sent to my hubby to try out. i immediately coveted them. stole 'em right off his desk. if anyone needs fashionable men's laces, it's me!
exactly :: they are clearly not just for me.
now :: i need them in every color as my shoes look lifeless without them.
Mission Blue – Mission Texas is the home town of legendary Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry.
Folsom Black – Johnny Cash’s best known album is Folsom Prison Blues.
Moville Green – Moville is the ancestral home of Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery.
Der Alte Burgundy – All the passports of EU countries are burgundy and one of the “founding fathers” of the EU was Konrad Adenauer, former chancellor of W. Germany, who Germans call “Der Alte” or “the old man”.
Gipper Brown – In honor of Ronald Reagan’s brown suits.
Portsalon Red – Portsalon is one of the most famous beaches in Ireland – a place you’re sure to see lots of sunburnt skin on the emerald isle.
Buster Purple – “Buster” was the childhood nickname of Jimi Hendrix.
Tiqui Orange – Named after the Spanish National Soccer side’s “tiqui-taca” style of play. It originated with Dutch legend Johan Cruyff’s implementation of total football during his tenure as manager of Barcelona from ‘88 – ‘96.
Dickie Blue – Lord Mountbatten was the first Lord of the Sea whose childhood nick name was Dickie.
Isolar Silver – Isolar is David Bowie’s (aka Ziggy Stardust’s) production company.
Retail: $14.50
Availability: Stolen Riches is available online at and at select fine retailers.