SOMA: sustainable, chic water filters and it’s a gift that gives back (read on!)

April 5, 2014

The key to great skin is…drum roll…WATER.

Design cursh.

Product crsuh.

Slightly obsessed.

With Soma, the beautifully designed, 100% biodegradable water filter and glass carafe.

The glass is also drop-proof.  Uh yah.  You heard me.  Which is perfect for me.

Two small kids.  Clutz.  Wants fresh water.

Soma Original (high res)-1 Soma Original (high res)
Perfect prezzie.  Stylish, sustainable and a gift that gives back.  Read this part.  Amazing

They partner with charity: water

800 million people don’t have access to clean and safe drinking water. charity: water is working to solve this. Every filter you buy from Soma includes a donation to charity: water to help support their essential work around the globe.

Hello, $49. Totally do-able.