Simples Tonics and Apothecary

August 28, 2017


Simples are concentrated plant tonics, made with nourishing herbs that are brewed over a period of hours to extract the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals and constituents.

“Simples” means using a single herb or plant in a medicinal way. When beginning to explore the world of plant medicine, traditional herbalism holds that it is best to start with them one at a time to fully experience the taste, the essence, and the benefit of a single plant.

In the shop, they hand brew eight of these Simples to support and encourage this exploration.

Our eight Simples represent a broad spectrum of traditional herbal remedies, each selected for their high nutritional profiles, their tonic effect, and their wide use and proven safety.

What are nourishing herbs?

Nourishing herbs are a category of plants made up primarily of weeds, or common wild plants that are deeply nourishing as they are full of bio- available nutrients which our bodies can easily assimilate. They all contain abundant amounts of vitamins, minerals and healing compounds, and are the primary source of medicine in folk herbalism. Nourishing herbs are time tested, widely used and completely safe.

When someone consumes these nourishing plants, prepared as Simples, over time incredible healing takes place. The body soaks in the abundant nourishment and a sense of vitality, health and wellbeing is restored and supported.

What is a weed?

Weeds are hardy plants, fast growing and naturally strong competitors. They can thrive in even the harshest conditions and contain an unsurpassed powerhouse of vitamins and minerals.  They are a readily available, sustainable food source for the planet. At Simples we love to work with these plants for this very reason, they build strength and resilience in those who consume them and since they are such an abundant and concentrated food source, utilizing them leaves very little environmental footprint.

What kind of herbalists are you?

Behind Simples are herbalists whose work is rooted in traditional folk medicine practices, cultivating a deep relationship with the plants.  Everyone who works at Simples either brewing, bottling or helping you choose a tonic or an apothecary item has several years of study and experience.

What is a tonic?

A tonic rejuvenates and restores all systems of the body, promoting overall good health and balance. They fortify and nourish creating resilience, vigor and wellbeing. Tonics are agents that work cumulatively and support long-term health benefits, and with prolonged use encourage graceful aging and longevity.

What is the difference between Simples tonics and herbal tea?

Most of the nutritional components of medicinal herbs and plants come from their different flavonoids, alkaloids, vitamins and minerals. For humans to assimilate this nutrition some parts are water-soluble where some use different menstruums, such as alcohol, vinegars and oil. So while both tea and Simples rely on water extraction, teas are steeped for short periods of time and extract a less potent medicinal dose.  A Simples tonic uses a much higher quantity of plant material, and steeps covered for a long period of time, resulting in a dense and powerful serving of plant nutrition. At Simples our tonics are brewed daily by hand as infusions to extract the maximum amount of nutrition and health benefits.

How are Simples made?

Using the highest quality water that is completely chemical and fluoride free and organic plant material,  each batch is hand brewed daily in prayer with intention. All of this happens in house where the infusions then steep over a period of hours to next be bottled and served fresh to you.

What water do we use?

Understanding that water is a vital part of this process we have searched for the cleanest, best tasting water in which to brew our Simples. We use a PristineHydro water revival filter system. This “produces water that is 100% acid free, chemical free, fluoride free, high alkaline pH, structured and properly mineralized with a high magnesium bicarbonate content”

Where do we source our plants?

We only work with organic plant material that is sourced as locally as possible using ethical farming standards and following the laws of nature. Within this rhythm comes times of limited availability or seasonal restrictions, we use these times as platforms for inspiration to use what is abundant and available.

Do they taste good?

There’s obviously a little bias here. We are head over heels in love with these plants and enjoy each of their unique flavors, as there is a lot of information about the healing properties in their tastes.  Some Simples are slightly sweet or perfumed, some grassy, some are slightly bitter, but the taste and flavor is a critical key and aspect of their healing nature, which is why we suggest exploring them individually. We feel confident that one of our eight will suit your palette and our staff can help educate and direct you towards the best one for that moment. We also offer certain herbal boosters that can enhance the flavor and medicinal benefits of your beverage.

Can you drink too much?

The nourishing plants we have chosen to share with you are exploding with nutrition and by definition safe, mild, and in no way poisonous. These plants work cumulatively so the more the better. Warning. Once you begin to feel the energy and vitality that comes with deep nourishment, you will become addicted. And that’s good for you!

Can I drink if I’m pregnant or nursing? 

In the world of pregnancy it is important that the mother feel confident, supported, and safe. With this in mind always check with your physician first, as none of the information we provide is intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. What we can share is what has been learned through study, research and also from personal experience. These plants provide such a powerhouse of nutrition that we believe they are an incredible supplement to feed a growing baby and nurture a tired momma. Our founder relied on Nettle, and Red Raspberry leaf throughout her pregnancy and credits them with a healthy pregnancy and efficient delivery. But again, everyone is different so check with doctor, and make the choice that’s right for you.

How do I have access to these plants if I don’t live in Los Angeles?

Right now prepared Simples are only available at the store in Santa Monica.Simples will ship many plant vinegars, tinctures and herbal medicines from the Simples Apothecary, which is another great way to incorporate these plants into your daily regimen.

Simples is also working on a home brewing kit, so watch for that coming soon.  We also suggest checking  This is a great source of information on making your own tonics and other herbal medicines as well as a great place to purchase high quality, organic plant material.

For more information about Simples Tonics & Apothecary please visit or follow us on FACEBOOK @simplestonics & INSTAGRAM @simplestonics.


The Game Changer

Loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, nettle is natures multi-vitamin. Green and rich in earthy flavor, nettle is a great source of vitamins A, B complex, and C, as well as chlorophyll, calcium, iron and zinc. This potent plant is an ideal daily tonic for optimal health and nourishment. Nettle also supports the adrenals and strengthens the body’s response to stress, so it is a perfect restorative to those with busy lives.  Supporting the body through all kinds of stressors, both physical and emotional, nettle is a great choice for athletic recovery, recharging the body and supporting joint health.


The Chill Pill

Oatstraw brings sweetness of all kinds as it delivers it’s payload of healing nutrition to the human body.  A soothing nervine, loaded with B vitamins and essential minerals, Oatstraw also contains more magnesium than any other plant. This contributes to its ability to balance hormones and soothe frazzled nerves. It not only eases tension in the moment but also overtime has the ability to restore the nervous system, reinstating emotional balance.



The Hug

The most tender of trees, graceful, and calm, Linden is fantastic for opening the heart and soothing the soul.  It’s abundance of phytonutrients and antioxidants support its traditional use as a digestive aid, encouraging proper digestion and eliminating digestive discomfort. But we especially love Linden for it’s calming and slightly sedating action. This tonic is wonderful for anxiety, tension headaches, and sleep disorders. Soft and silky in taste, these nourishing flowers and stems are a delightful way to brighten a cloudy day.



 The Superhero

Fiery and tart, this stimulating berry is nature’s cure all. Going where it is needed, this adoptogen is an overall health tonic, restoring and balancing whatever systems need support.  Schisandra provides a powerful energy and mental clarity boost without the jitters of coffee and is a great choice when mental focus is required. Taken over time its benefits accumulate and physical and mental stamina are increased. But most people know schisandra as a beauty tonic as it tonifies all systems of the body including the skin.



The Fortifier

A familiar neighborhood weed, packing far more than a wishful puff, this healing root reinforces strength from the deep reserves of our body. With an impressive and balanced nutritional profile, including high amounts of iron, protein, Vitamin A, and manganese, it’s no accident this delicate blossom can break through concrete. A wonderful detoxifier and strength builder, dandelion helps us combat the ill effects of a toxic environment and overindulgence in its ability to support the liver and kidneys. Take daily for the strength to break through the concrete blocks in your life.



The Star

Cooling and regenerating, this powerful plant contains a dazzling array of bioavailable nutrition.  Although a wonderful tonic for everyday use, Chickweed’s ability to rebuild makes it a wonderful choice for anyone recovering from injury, illness or weakness of any kind.  This little star also packs a beauty punch, balancing metabolism,  and supporting the thyroid.



The Purifier

Known as a bitter, but with a sweetness of taste, this purifying root works to detoxify the blood and the bowel while delivering a dense supply of iron, magnesium and thiamine. Due to its mucilaginous properties, burdock helps prevent the absorption of toxins in the bowel, creating cleaner blood and beautiful skin. Burdock is a great choice for overall body cleansing and purification. While you feel burdock’s benefit initially, with long term use, the results are fully realized.



 The Elevator

Gentle, and soothing, this precious Bulgarian rose water embodies the essence of thousands of roses. At once uplifting and calming, rose balances our mood and nourishes our soul. As the highest vibrational plant on the planet, the delicate rose intoxicates us with her fabled aroma, power and beauty. As an esteemed, heart opener, mood lifter and aphrodisiac, no wonder the rose is the symbol of love.


2724 Main Street
Santa Monica CA, 90405

Open: 10:30 AM – 5:30PM
Closed Tuesdays