I've been hearing a ton about Pilates guru and trainer to (not just!) the stars, KIT RICH. Her classes at Pilates Plus (Bev Hills, the Valley) are sold out a month in advance. And she's so busy training and inspiring clients throughout the rest of the day, I was lucky to have been able squeeze her for an hour in-home private. I wanted a Kit Rich approved post-baby workout /prescription.
I got that and then some.
Kit showed up (so adorable and fit you want to shoot yourself or at least get on her program or maybe just BE her) with a Bosu and some bands and after a little chat about the state of my fat, pain riddled body, we got to work. After an hour of moving through all the major muscle groups, especially targeting the post-baby weak spots (hips and abs) Kit devised a totally do-able daily routine of about moves to get me moving and grooving and on my way to feeling better and hopefully soon, looking better too.
Before I get to showing you what they are, I just need to talk about how cool Kit is for a sec.
First of all, she comes from a place of simplicity works. Especially when it comes to restoring a fitness regime after say, having a baby… don't look at the long haul (ugh, mine seems monumental), just commit to a few minutes daily at first and build from there. Just that little bit will make you feel better so you will feel restored mentally and WANT to do more. I dig that. And it's true. She's also into esteem building and can wax prolific about the connection between fitness, health and the way we feel about ourselves.
Of course this meant that within minutes she could tell I was seriously hard on myself, which only leads to self-sabotage. Uh, she's right. How many pints of Ben and Jerry's (ok, low fat) Fro Yo did I polish off yesterday when I felt I didn't work out hard enough? Three.
Kit definitely made me think about things on top of working my bod just right – not to failure but intensely enough to push me in the direction I need to be going.
Check out her inspirational website, REAL BODY CAFE for tips on beauty, fitness, health, nutrition and more. It's inspiring to watch these little videos of the adorable Kit spewing the 411 on what's good for you. She's cool and not corny and very REAL. If fact, I'm going to have to hire her to come help me get and stay on track. That is if she can fit me in her ridic busy sched. (Three classes a day?! Five clients a day? What 24 hour cylcle are you living in?)
It's no wonder Kit is the fave of so many celebs and is swiftly on her way to being a major player in the world of fitness and beyond.
Aw heck, I'm too tired to write out my routine, check out this TOUCHDOWN PILATES routine in Pilates Style Magazine.