I wanted to take a moment and thank you for all for your support over the past years. I also have some exciting news about my continued business with Dr Leaf and our Leaf & Rusher Medical Spa.
Because of growing demand, the office will be expanding and opening a new branch in Beverly Hills. I will be seeing patients at this new location, which is located one building from Dr. Leaf's current offices.
Rand Rusher RN
416 N Bedford Dr
Suite 204
Beverly Hills, ca 90210
Norman Leaf M.D., Medical Director
Dr Leaf and I continue to build our practices together and are pleased to announce another bit of exciting news. Leaf & Rusher Skincare Products is currently in the process of re-branding its look. A little face lift in the up coming months, you might say. You will be the first to see these change, as the new location is representative of these exciting new developments.
So come by, say hello, and see our new fresh look. In celebration, I am also providing you with a list of special offers here at our new location beginning April 1st – No Fooling!
Pick one and come in and celebrate with us!
Select one of our Opening specials!*
When you purchase 1cc syringe of Restylane or Perlane – receive Dysport in your glabellar area (between eyebrows)
at no charge!
* no substitutions. Valid beginning April 1st while supplies last. Glabellar area only.
Items must be used at the same visit, unable to be saved
not valid with other offers.
Buy 1cc Juvederm & 1cc of Botox
receive a 2nd syringe of Juvederm FREE*
*No Substitutions. Valid beginning April 1st while supplies last
Items must be used at same visit, unable to be saved
not valid with other offers
L & R mask
Come into the new office and purchase ANY
Leaf & Rusher product and receive a FREE Clarify TX Mask!*
*while supplies last. mail orders are excluded
buy 2 Latisse …. get 1 free!
Come into the office and Buy 2 Latisse kits at $99 each
and receive 1 Kit free!*
*pending perscription evaluation. no substitutes.
Discount Coupon
Need just a little bit of something?
Not ready to see us yet? Just saw us?
Print out this coupon and bring it in on your next visit
Receive $50 off your treatment of $200 or more!*
*not vaild with other discounts or offers. one coupon per person. vaild thru July 2010
*All Specials – One discount per person. Latisse is pending Physician prescription approval. Not redeemable for cash. Not valid on previous purchases. May not be combined with other offers. Void where prohibited or not deemed medically safe.