Need the best kid’s birthday entertainment? I got it! Send in the clowns

April 11, 2014

Imagine what I did when my almost 8 year daughter asked for a magician to perform at her birthday.

Said “ok!”” Muttered to myself “oh crap!”

Then, I did the next natural thing. Hopped on Facebook. Updated status.

Need birthday magician. Help. H-E-L-P!!!

Within minutes my amazing mommy mentor Dani Klein responded with call Leesa from Send in the Clowns. End of story. I’ve never hired a magician before and I was skeptical but that’s what she wanted, so that’s what she got. I wondered how much it would cost to hire a magician but at such short notice, I was prepared to pay anything.

Obviously I did. Within a week (of course this happened a week before Aria’s party) I had hired a magician, expecting – I don’t know what – (other than a bunny – I HAD TO HAVE THE BUNNY!) and what I got what, honestly, the best hour of jokes and entertainment I’ve had in a long time.

Seriously, Dave the Magician was better than some of the Largo comedy I’ve seen.

I was pulling away from the other moms who wanted to gab because I had to sit with the kids and watch Dave. He had the kids in stitches. He had me in stitches. And my kids’ dads in stitches (yah, there are two). It was the BEST money I’ve spent on a birthday in years. The party was a SCORE. I’m still getting emails about it. All thanks to Dave (and Leesa!) and this amazing-make-your-life-amazing and make-you-a-rockstar in your kids eyes, one stop shopping birthday bundle of fun.

If you’re a parent, you know what a FRICKEN nightmare these parties are. They are the most high-pressured part of the year. All the expectations, the choices and the money!!!

Send in the clowns website will take you down a rabbit hole of goodies and options and from what I hear, and from what I’ve experienced, it seems to be a no-brainer of one-stop shopping.

So, take a load off, click and poke around and the perfect party, and totally reasonably priced and within range comparatively for the biz, is just a click away. Leesa is so fun and awesome and will make sure you are totally taken care of. She kicks ass. So your kid’s party won’t kick yours.

Happy. Laughing. Faces.

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Phone: 310.399.3733
Email: [email protected]
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