Need a mantra today? Conscious Ink will keep you in line with a conscious temporary tattoo

July 26, 2013

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how about…

something like this to think about for a few days?


Grab a temporary tattoo from Conscious Ink!

I picked one up one today at the life changing Shape House LA (full post coming!) and fell in love.

Need a mantra to stare at for a few days? A perfect gift? A perk? Take a peek at these gems:



a few awesome words from Frank Gjata the creator: 

Conscious, Ink. Temporary on the skin. Indelible on the soul.

Can a temporary tattoo leave a lasting impression on our disposition? Solidify our intentions and affirmations? And make a permanent mark on the world? Crazy as it seems, I say yes. In fact, I'm very enthusiastic about it! I'm Frank Gjata, founder of Conscious, Ink whose mission is to raise consciousness around the world, one tattooed (albeit temporarily) body at a time. Of course, these are no ordinary tats.

Conscious Ink temporary tattoos consist of a dream list of positive words, inspiring quotes, healing affirmations and empowering invitations. Even at the most basic level, these messages can have a profound effect on us by simply reminding us of our intentions as we go about our day. Not to mention how they may impact those who are fortunate enough to get a glimpse of your provocative ink and its message. Perhaps, gifting them with the exact sign they need in that exact moment. Pretty cool.


Of course, the influence of these positive messages can extend much deeper. Read about the latest research on the mind/body connection here. (See videos on Dr. Emoto's research on how even water molecules are impacted by our thoughts, words, and feelings.)

Now let's consider aesthetics for a minute. Plain and simple, these are beautiful tattoos. We don't think there's anything superficial about beauty. Each Conscious Ink tattoo is a unique and original piece of artwork thoughtfully designed specifically to convey the essence of the word, quote or affirmation.