My V Shot Experience at R3 Anti Aging in Beverly Hills

October 13, 2024

In my quest to optimize and bio-hack sexual wellness—especially for midlife women—I’ve explored a lot of treatments and therapies. But nothing has intrigued me as much as the V Shot, a treatment designed to rejuvenate vaginal and clitoral function using platelet-rich plasma (PRP). So, when I heard that R3 Anti Aging in Beverly Hills offered this cutting-edge procedure, I decided it was time to give it a try. Spoiler alert: it was painless, quick, and I’m already thrilled with the results.

Now, let’s dive into what makes the V Shot so innovative. The treatment involves drawing a small sample of your blood, isolating the PRP in a centrifuge, and then injecting it into targeted areas of the vagina and clitoris. PRP is packed with growth factors, which work to stimulate tissue regeneration, increase blood flow, and regenerate nerves. Essentially, the V Shot leverages your body’s own healing abilities to improve sensitivity, arousal, and pleasure. It’s non-surgical, minimally invasive, and has no downtime—yes, you read that right!

When I arrived at R3 Anti-Aging, I was greeted by a serene, modern clinic, and my doctor, Dr. Sabrina Solt, —a fantastic and empathetic professional—walked me through every step. After applying a numbing cream to ensure maximum comfort, they drew a small sample of my blood. That was the most “invasive” part of the whole thing. From there, the blood was spun in a centrifuge to extract the PRP, which was then injected with a fine needle into the key areas. The entire process took less than 30 minutes, and aside from a slight pressure sensation, it was completely painless. I was able to walk out of the clinic and get right back to my day.

So, why opt for the V Shot? For me, it wasn’t just about enhancing pleasure—though that’s a major bonus—but also addressing issues that many women face in midlife. The V Shot can help with low libido, vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, and even urinary incontinence. It also offers benefits for those dealing with vaginal atrophy or a loss of tightness. While I’m lucky enough not to have experienced all of these issues, I’ve had clients and friends who have, and they rave about the improvement in their quality of life after the V Shot.

Here are of the questions that I had for Dr. Solt!

Is there pain or discomfort after, once numbing wears off?

There should be no lingering pain or discomfort after the procedure, except a possible feeling of fullness.

How long does it last?

In general, the results are a person gets are usually theirs to keep long term! Of course we have our natural state of aging and degeneration, so some people might benefit from repeating the procedure every 1-3 years.

When can patients experience noticeable changes – and what can they expect?

One healing cycle takes approximately 6-12 weeks, but many patients report a change within the first 30 days. Usually these changes represent improvement in the areas of sensitivity and orgasm intensity.

How often should patients do this?

One treatment is where we like to start, and the discussion of whether or not to add additional ones should be between you and your doctor based on your results and goals.

Who is not a good candidate?

Examples of people who are not good candidates include but are not limited to: Smokers, people with a BMI of over 30, people on certain medications like NSAIDs or opiates, women with active vaginal or vulvar lesions (such as in lichen sclerosus or certain STIs), pregnant women, or those with stage 3 or greater uterine prolapse.

The science behind it is fascinating. Studies show that PRP injections can significantly enhance female sexual function, with improvements in desire, arousal, orgasm, and overall satisfaction. The treatment works by encouraging the growth of new tissue and blood vessels in the treated areas, and the effects continue to build over the next few months. While some women report immediate changes, for most—including me—the full benefits take time to unfold. That’s exciting because it means things will only get better from here.

The post-procedure recovery was almost non-existent. The clinic advises patients to abstain from intercourse for three days afterward, but I can tell you it’s totally optional. I didn’t abstain and felt completely comfortable resuming normal activities. Minor side effects like slight swelling or tenderness can occur, but they typically subside within a day or two.

As someone who writes frequently about sexual health and wellness, especially for midlife women, I think the V Shot is a groundbreaking tool. It’s more than just a quick fix—it’s a way to reclaim your sexual health, connect with your body, and enhance pleasure naturally. This procedure isn’t about treating dysfunction alone, it’s about optimizing sexual wellness, boosting confidence, and owning your pleasure in a way that feels empowering. For women navigating midlife changes, that sense of control over one’s body is invaluable.

So, would I do it again? Absolutely. The V Shot has already started to make me feel more attuned to my body, and I’m excited to see how the benefits continue to evolve over the next few months. The idea of having more intense orgasms, heightened sensitivity, and improved arousal on the horizon is thrilling. Plus, knowing that it’s a natural, PRP-based procedure makes it even better.

For those curious about taking the leap into the world of sexual wellness optimization, I highly recommend exploring the V Shot. It’s a simple, safe, and effective way to embrace a healthier, more connected version of yourself. And if you’re in the Beverly Hills area, R3 Anti-Aging is hands-down the place to go.

Here’s to a future of more fulfilling, empowered sexual wellness. Ladies, it’s time to own it.


R3 Anti Aging

9301 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, California 90210

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