May 3, 2010

Wow, wow, wow.  This was an eye-opener.  I'm already a fan of all things  MURAD.

I think Dr.Murad is amazing – he is so totally committed to skin-care and health that he still sees patients as a dermatologist, teaches, oversees a skin-care empire (products, medical spas, etc…), continues to work on formulating break-through science for skin health and now he's just launched this awesome new 10 WEEK INCLUSIVE HEALTH CONSULTATION. 

This is an amazing, three pronged approach to Inclusive health – Topical care, Internal Care, Emotional Self-Care- and a sure-fire way to kick start your dedication to holistic health from the inside out.  I had my one-hour consultation with the amazing Julietta who has been working with Dr. Murad for years.  She was an angel of information!  I learned so much about what was going on with me not from a peek at my skin kind of thing but rather a deeper analysis on my CELLS.

Of course what we see ON our face is a result of what's going on INSIDE our bodies.  Dr. Murad has devised an amazing way to evaluate and treat our skin issues (especially sings of aging) by analyzing our cellular health, in particular the 'cell's ability to hold water.'   With a few different tests Julietta was able to take a look at how much water is inside my cells and this analysis directly correlates to how our skin appears.  In very basic, simplified terms, the less water, the less radiant, youthful, buoyant, etc.  The INCLUSIVE HEALTH CONSULTATION is a one-hour one on one  (for only $150!  WORTH IT, PEEPS!  Follow up consults 45 mins. are $90) with a Murad professional that will go over every aspect of your lifestyle, incorporating the info obtained from cellular and other testing, questionnaires, etc, and from there devise a personalized program to optimize your overall health.  

I learned what my Basal Metabolic Index was (ooh, I burn 1420 calories daily, just doing nothing!) that cellulite is basically a skin-health issue, not an 'I'm fat' issue –  and it too can be address
ed from the inside out (best part is my 
8 WEEK FIRM AND TONE DIETARY PACK), and how and what I need to be eating to up the water content in my cells (it's not just drink more water, folks) so that my exterior will reflect optimal internal hydration (glowing skin, less saggines, less dry, dullness, etc)… It was so super educational, I was relishing every minute that Juiletta spoke. And then I got to meet Dr Murad himself who is simply the loveliest man ever. He is so devoted to helping and healing that it was amazing just being in his presence.  

Check out in detail below what's included in the consultation and the various 10-week programs you can do if you decide to go beyond your initial consultation for a deeper over-haul of self-renewal.

10 Week
Inclusive Health
® Programs

Murad Inclusive Health

60 minutes –
Initial Consultation
(Additional coaching session and follow-up
Consultation are included when you purchase an Inclusive Health Package or a
qualifying custom program)

Your first step on
the life transforming journey to your personal best is an assessment of
wellness unlike any other. Your certified Inclusive Health Practitioner has
been personally trained by Dr. Murad and will guide you through a Murad
Inclusive Health Consultation that focuses on these key markers of health:

Skin Health

Sense of Self

Cellular Health –
4 internal physical health measurements

Your health
metrics will be compared to thousands of others we have assessed. Your
Inclusive Health Practitioner will help you understand how your health measures
up to your peers and will provide you with an overall Murad Inclusive Health
Index value – your MIHI (“my high”) .

Based upon your
Consultation and MIHI, we’ll create a personalized, 10 week Inclusive
Prescription for Health to help you make the changes in your life you need to
optimize your wellness and take control of the aging process. Your Inclusive
Health Practitioner will act as your personal coach as you learn to live
Inclusively. To make your transition to wellness easier, you’ll receive a
self-education kit with a calendar to track your progress. You’ll also receive
materials focusing on the importance of cellular water – the healthy,
life-giving water inside your cells.

When you purchase
any of our 10 week Inclusive Health Packages or qualified customized programs,
you’ll return for a mid-point coaching session and a follow-up Consultation at
the end of the program. We’ll calculate a new MIHI for you at your follow-up to
conclusively show you how much progress you’ve made on your new path.

You’ll discover
that by living your Inclusive Prescription for Health, you’ve not only
optimized your wellness from a cellular perspective, you’ve regained your
youthful vitality and restored your skin’s natural beauty. (Each package is priced differently)

Anti-Aging Package – $410

weeks – includes the following:

Murad Inclusive
Health Consultation – as described on previous page

Anti-Aging Facial
– 50 minutes – as recommended by your Practitioner

Daily Cell
Strengthener supplements

Home care regimen
up to $150 worth of Murad skincare products

Ultimate Weight Management
and Cellulite Solution Package $1,410  ($1,575 value)

weeks – includes the following:

Inclusive Health
Consultation as described on previous page

2 packages of Firm
and Tone Supplements


8 Firm and Tone
Cellulite Body Massages – 50 minutes each – plus Firm and Tone Serum and Body
Firming Cream

Copy of Dr.
Murad’s book
The Cellulite Solution

Optional cosmetic
services are available through Murad Medical Group:

medical-grade chemical peels performed on targeted areas of the body by our
medical esthetician; series of 4 treatments recommended

Skin Restoration Package – $1,150  ($1,300 value)

weeks – includes the following:

Inclusive Health
Consultation as described on previous page

Daily Cell
Strengthener supplements

Complete home care
regimen up to $300 worth of Murad skincare products

6 customized spa
facials – 50 minutes each

Advanced esthetic
consultation with a Murad dermatologist

Copy of Dr.
Murad’s book
Wrinkle-Free Forever

Optional cosmetic
services are available through Murad Medical Group:

consultation with a board-certified dermatologist

medical-grade chemical peels performed by our dermatologist; series of 4
treatments recommended

Acne Relief Package    - $984  ($1,135 value)

10 weeks – includes the following:

Inclusive Health Consultation as described on

previous page

Daily Cell Strengthener supplements

Complete home care regimen up to $150 worth of Murad
skincare products

6 Acne Complex® Facials – 50 minutes each

Optional services are available through Murad Medical Group:

Evaluation by our dermatologist

Customized medical-grade chemical peels performed by
our dermatologist; series of 4 treatments recommended

Total Transformation Package – $2,320  ($2,470 value)

weeks – includes the following:

Inclusive Health
Consultation as described on previous page

Daily Cell
Strengthener supplements

Complete home care
regimen up to $300 worth of Murad skincare products

8 customized spa
facials – 50 minutes each

8 signature massages – 50 minutes each

pedicures (women)

manicures (women)


skin screening by a dermatologist from the Murad Medical Group

cosmetic services are available through Murad Medical Group:
medical-grade chemical peel program designed and performed by our dermatologist


The Inclusive Health Consultation is a breakthrough, revolutionary approach to skincare that enables your skin and body to renew completely – from the cellular level up – in just 10 weeks. The Inclusive Health approach is rooted in Dr. Murad's research into the aging and his Science of Cellular Water – a comprehensive analytical approach to aging that looks to the strength of cells themselves as the ultimate marker of youthful vibrant health.   The consultation combines a lifestyle review with scientific tests to determine your Inclusive Health age and the steps that can be taken to lower it.  The 10 week regimen combines topical, internal and emotional steps that can improve your overall health and skincare.  It includes scientific tests like the phase angle and measurements of cellular water, metabolic rate and BMI.  



Here's my local spa in Los Angeles:

Murad Inclusive Health Spa
2141 Rosecrans Avenue
First Floor Courtyard
El Segundo, CA 90245
tel: 310.726.0470
fax: 310.726.0471 <>
Tue – Fri … 9am – 7pm
Sat – Mon … 9am – 6pm

Murad Inclusive Health Medical Group
2141 Rosecrans Avenue
East Tower, Suite 6100
El Segundo, CA 90245
tel. 310.335.1700
fax. 310.335.1701
Mon – Fri … 9am – 5pm