Moms and Daughters!! Please join me in supporting this awesome new show for girls and their parents

March 23, 2015

Moms and Daughters!! My dear friend, the brilliantly talented writer/director Harrison James and her co-creator Kenton Parker are launching something incredible and invaluable and unlike anything out there.

Beachwood Charter The Web Series

Caleche lives with her mom in Hollywood, and attends Beachwood Charter, a competitive high school for the arts and sciences.  A geeky, socially awkward outlier, she has never kissed a boy, has only one friend, and has depended on her solitude and creativity for any sense of self. When Bretta bursts on the scene with her talent, passion, popularity and devotion, Caleche decides that this is the day to break out!


Beachwoord Charter

Beachwood Charter is an awesome new show for girls and their parents.
Told in a raw and honest way, Beachwood Charter gives girls guidance as well as reflects back to them their REAL journeys and identities.
Right now there is WAY more content for boys, and way better content, too. I’d love to help close this gap, and give girls a show that’s an avenue for them to connect and relate to each other, and join forces from a place of authenticity.
Let’s bring this beautiful series to life!
To learn more, see the trailer, or contribute to the campaign and become part of the Beachwood Charter team, go to


Beachwood Charter

Today, girl-empowering commercials like Run Like a Girl get 40 million views, yet, unlike ours, other web series continue to portray girls living in 20th century stereotypes—the “good girl” giving make-up tips, the “mean girl,” the “other-side-of-the tracks” girl with the heart of gold.

Beachwood Charter wants to know why? We don’t put our characters in a box. They are dimensional. We are not the good girl series, nor the bad girl series—we are the real girl series.

Our series is a dramedy representing girls in an original way they are rarely afforded in the media — raw, candid, awkward, genuine. We show all the beauty that is the hot mess of being a teenage girl.

We differentiate ourselves by rejecting played out paradigms on the web, creating instead nuanced characters on genuine millennial journeys.

Set in a girls’ school for the arts and sciences, our characters are not solely actresses, but gamers and coders, cinematographers and developers. Our characters aren’t marginalized out of tech fields—they are the new crop!

We explore current, relevant story lines such as losing friends, sexuality, gender nonconformity, race, love, community and confidence —and do it in a fearless and comedic way.

Our series deals with what it’s like to come of age as a young creative soul in today’s climate, in Los Angeles.

All of our story lines come from real interviews with real teenage girls.

Thank you!!