Tourmaline Gemstone technology with the LING Energy Lift Facial at Ciel Spa at the SLS Hotel in BevHills

September 1, 2014

New York City’s infamous LING Skincare New York has launched here, exclusively at Ciel – Spa at SLS Beverly Hills, offering the complete line of LING Skincare products and select treatments.  Ling’s caters to oh, just a few of the world’s top beauties for example someone named Madonna, Barbara Streisand and Naomi Campbell.

Lucky Groomed LA – we were invited to experience the The LING Energy Lift Facial,  which stars a tourmaline crytsal wand which sends infrared heat deep into the skin, stimulating detoxification and tissue healing at a deep level.  This was one of the most amazing sensations I have every had on my face and neck in a facial.  EVER.  It felt like a hot stone massage, only on my face – imagine that. On top of this, Ling’s facials also utilizes traditional massage methods to release facial tensions and well, all the other crap we hold in our face.  Tami, the aesthetician who performed my facial was clearly an expert in massage – and this took center stage to the whole experience.  It really was a sensorial experience like no other.  Ling’s world-class serums are the other super stars of the facials at the lovely Ciel Spa and my skin responded extremely well to the line.

WHAT:  Tourmaline gemstone is a semi-precious mineral stone well known for its incredible ability to aid in the detoxification process of the human body. It’s one of only a handful of minerals that have the ability to emit negative ions and far-infrared rays.

Tourmaline produces a detoxifying, cleansing effect on the nervous system and the organs and tissues of the body. It has been shown as a useful aid for improving circulation, reducing stress, improving brain alertness and mood, and activating the immune system. Negative ions are the cleansing molecules of nature.

You can’t smell, taste or see negative ions, but they are produced by nature in abundance only in very specific areas. Waterfalls, beaches and the forest are the biggest producers of negative ions. That is why we feel a sense of being uplifted in these areas. Negative ions are the way nature cleans the air and studies have shown that they improve our mood and brings a sense of euphoria. Tourmaline gemstones have the unique ability to release an abundance of negative ions.

Far-infrared rays are invisible rays of energy vibration that have the unique ability to penetrate all layers of the human physical body, reaching the tissues and muscles. Far-infrared ray energy is the same frequency as our body’s natural energy or ‘chi’, thus proper cellular function is activated. Far-infrared rays are neither heat nor hot rays, but warm vibration from solar energy. Conventional heat warms the air and only the surface of the skin. However, far-infrared rays penetrate deep into our bodies and vibrate our water molecules, creating heat within.

LING Skincare is available at Ciel Spa in the SLS Hotel at Beverly Hills, , Ciel – Spa at SLS Beverly Hills, located at 465 South LA Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90048 starting in May 2014. To make an appointment, please call 310-246-5577.

The facial to get: Ultimate Cleanse $185 Add-on Energy Lift: $40

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