FALL RITUALS: Sure, there’s your moon ceremony, fall equinox dance and organic apple picking to make whatever the latest adaptogenic, keto approved dessert is on the menu. But there’s a ritual in town, come Halloween, that I personally LOVE to celebrate, all in the name of fun – and isn’t that the most important health hack of all?
And that’s the Los Angeles Haunted Hayride.
Not familiar with this? Then you’ve been dipping into way too many CBD edibles. The Los Angeles Haunted Hayride is an immersive scary, hilarious night of entertaining live fun and most importantly – it brings my fam together. Yup – you heard me. Anything where both of my kids (8, 12) and begging to go – together – means they are amped for an adventure where we all can connect IRL (hard these days when we are buried into screens). Not to mention we are on all the hayride hugging “for dear life” because it’s all with a clear understanding of the wink. That’s the good news. They understand it’s all entertainment…they are growing up in Hollywood after all. Here’s some info on the history of it – created by a bad ass woman entrepreneur – Melissa Carbonne (Shark Tank_) ( hail yes!) and more deets on how to get tix etc. We cannot wait to hit it this Saturday. See you there?!! BTW, her company is almost all women so hell yes!
The Los Angeles Haunted Hayride is in the haunted Old Zoo area of Griffith Park and Tickets are currently on sale with limited pre-sale tickets available until September 1st. You can purchase your tickets here.
As this is Hollywood, you just might catch David Beckham, Pete Wentz, Katy Perry, Nicole Richie getting their spook on. You’ll want to Instagram the crap out of it. You’ve got your heart-pounding House Of Shadows Dark Maze, the disturbed neighborhood of Trick Or Treat and everyone’s favorite haunted village, Purgatory.
Oh HEEYYYY!! I can’t WAIT for my kid to freak our over this one
Some carving inspo? You got a live jack-o-lantern Pintetest board right here.
Don’t forget the carousel.
Some more history:
For fans that have been to every hayride, it will be an unforgettable ride through the nightmares the hayride has been inducing for years. You will also be treated to new surprises and some larger than life additions that one would expect for a celebration as grand as a 10 Year Anniversary. For first timers, the experience will be a hayride on steroids as every memorable demon and apparition returns to say hello once again. Do you remember the demon church of “The Congregation”? Or the legions of psychopathic clowns from “Though The Eyes Of A Child”? Maybe you’d love to take a ride back through “The Rift”? Then, this is your year and then some! If you haven’t been to the Los Angeles Haunted Hayride, you will not want to miss out on this limited run special edition.
“I can’t believe it’s been ten years!” said Los Angeles Haunted Hayride founder/creator Melissa Carbone (@MelCarbs). “I want to send out the biggest ‘Thank You’ to everyone who has bought a ticket, worked for us and given their blood to make LA Haunted Hayride the most popular independently owned Halloween attraction in the country. Bringing back the content that the fans have told us they love and want more of is my way of doing that. I’m so excited to see the incredible characters of the past. Oh how I’ve missed them,” Carbone smugly laughs.
When you visit the Los Angeles Haunted Hayride your evening will include a stop in Purgatory. The charm and magic of our old world ‘haunted village’ invokes the nostalgia of Halloweens past; smell the freshly cut hay and see the deep, rich, orange glow of jack o’ lanterns as you pass through our gates. Become a part of the show at Theatre Macabre, ride the ‘Scary-Go-Round’, enjoy fair food & drink faves at the Grub Shack, have a clandestine encounter with a psychic, and don’t forget to grab your limited run anniversary swag in the Bootique.
Returning for this massive anniversary, the park will bring back cult favorites House Of Shadows and Trick Or Treat. The legendary House Of Shadows sends you into complete darkness as you grasp onto your group and stumble through Southern California’s only true dark maze! It is a disorienting, claustrophobic experience where you might find yourself totally alone in the shadows. At Trick Or Treat, it’s Halloween every night. Check out our ALL-NEW ghoulish residents as we have amped up the fright factor for this annual freakish block party.
The terror of the Los Angeles Haunted Hayride begins on September 29th, 2018 and will be open select nights until October 31st, 2018. Operating hours are Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 7pm-10:30pm and Fridays and Saturdays from 7pm-12am, with the exception of September 29th when we close at 11pm. General Admission and VIP passes that surpass the line are available, as well as a Platinum pass that includes VIP parking! There are also a limited number of Hayride Only passes starting at $26, all expected to sell out during the pre-sale. Pre-sale for tickets will end September 1st. Visit www.losangeleshauntedhayride.com for exact nights of operation and other details.
About Los Angeles Haunted Hayride Launched in 2009, Los Angeles Haunted Hayride (LAHH) is one of the most popular halloween attractions in the country. LAHH has quickly grown as one of the premiere horror genre attractions in the country being featured in Forbes, Fortune, Entrepreneur, The Today Show, The View, Bloomberg and many more.
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