Let the VI PEELING begin!

September 10, 2010

Yay! I finally got around to my long awaited VI PEEL.  But wait here's the best part! I was given my peel by Mr. VI PEEL himself, Dr. Kalil, the doctor who invented it!

He was awesome and it was actually a blast – if you can call putting acid on your face a blast (uh, I can!) – because he took the opportunity to demonstrate how it's administered to some peeps in the offices here in Santa Monica. I got to learn about it from the inside and it really is a superior peel. It took just a few minutes and I was back in my car with what looked like a fresh little sunburn in no time.

VI PEEL has become infamous for it's minimal downtime and low-level ouch factor (felt fine! great even!) while revealing dramatic results in just a few days.  In about a week I should be shiny brand new, refreshed and revitalized with a bit less melasma, brown spots and unevenness.  Hooray!

Dare I post a pic of my post peel face to get this before and after thing going? 

I tried, I did!  But I just can't handle posting pics of myself up here. I'm just not as brave as the mother of us all, Madame Nadine Jolie.

But here, you can check out beauty blogger to the Gods Nadine Jolie posting her progress here!


It’s been three days since I had my Vi Peel, and the phenol acid, vitamin C and Retin-A peel is working wonders…if by “wonders” I were to actually mean “is causing every last ounce of my skin to kamikaze dive off my face in unattractive, flaky sheets.”  Pictures of the disgusting-yet-effective madness to follow shortly!

I hope to get the courage like her to post my before and afters for you too, for now let Nadine inspire you!


0 thoughts on “Let the VI PEELING begin!

  1. kate

    I just had the VI peel 3 days ago, and itthe peeling is pretty much done. I already got a unsolicited compliment on how good my skin looks. I just want to know how often should I get the.???