CureCoupon is launching in Los Angeles – Get the healthcare you’ve been putting off!

September 18, 2013

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You need healthcare and it's not always easy to know where to find healthcare providers in your area, let alone finding care at an affordable price.

That's where CureCoupon comes in! CureCoupon was born right here in LA.  It's the result of a collaboration between a primary care physician and a tech entrepreneur.  Their mission is simple: to offer easily accessible and affordable health-related services to everyone. 

CureCoupon offers access to a multitude of affordable health-related services.  It's a new way for you to get discounted healthcare if you are uninsured or if you have health insurance but want  to obtain services for healthcare not covered under your plan.  It's in the Beta stages right now but soon they'll be adding even more providers.

Here's the gyst:  When you sign up with CureCoupon, you'll receive offers via e-mail at
a frequency you choose in your profile. You can even specify the kinds of offers you're interested in. It costs nothing to register and you pay only for the offers you buy.

CureCoupons are only available in limited quantities for a limited time, and each CureCoupon needs a minimum number of participants before the offer is activated. We cap the number of participants to ensure that our healthcare providers are not overwhelmed and can quickly and easily see you.  If you purchase a CureCoupon and the minimum number of buyers is not reached, you will not be charged.

CureCoupon makes healthcare easy and affordable!

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