Cannabis is here to stay. Hooray. I recently sat down with Derek Chase of FLORA & BAST to discuss this stunning line he’s created (more on that on the Groomed LA Podcast soon!! ) If you’ve been awake and in the beauty / wellness scene then you know cannabis can be found in just about every aspect of self-care products, fitting seamlessly into our lifestyles and making all things, well, way better.
Aging is simply a fact of modern living – and we are aging even faster now, as we are in a race to catch up to the stress put upon us. Cannabis exerts profound adaptogenic effects by modulating the endocannabinoid system, resulting in a return to equilibrium where the body can heal itself naturally. In other words, thwarting cellular breakdown. Some decide to enjoy indica (https://www.canadacannabisdispensary.ca/product-category/indica/) instead to get their fill of cannabis.

FULL-SPECTRUM – What’s is all about?
Flora & Bast cannabis extracts are classified as “full-spectrum”. Extracts are created by using a rosin press to heat and crush cannabis plants, which makes them expel liquids containing some powerful ingredients, whilst also removing the less preferable components. These extracts are then used in various products in the health and wellness industry.
Let’s break down the benefits of extracts: The formulas mirror the composition of the plants from which they were derived, optimizing your body’s ability to utilize them and in turn, maximizing their results.
The serum below is blowing all of our minds. My best friend’s hormonal acne cleared up in days. The sleep tincture is now by my bed and I use it to set the pace of my evening and start preparing for sleep as soon as the sun sets. It’s amazing and has been selling out fast! I have found a wholesale CBD site as a back up if I can’t ever get my hands on this stuff. The wholesaler sells pretty similar products so I know they’ll have very similar results. I’m just so glad I’ve found something that actually works.
AGE ADAPTING FACIAL SERUM – The foundation for your entire skincare routine. In balancing your Endocannabinoid System, skin is brought to a state of equilibrium where it can repair itself naturally, resulting in:
– Reduced acne/breakouts and blemishes
– Reduced redness and puffiness
– Enhanced firmness and elasticity

AGE ADAPTING SLEEP TINCTURE – Recovery is the key to healthy mind, body and skin. The sleep tincture works by regulating sleep-wake cycles, called circadian rhythms. When taken 30 minutes before intended time to bed, users find that they:
– Fall asleep with greater consistency and ease
– Stay asleep longer
– Wake up more refreshed, both physically and mentally.
*Best results are achieved when items are used together.
At FLORA + BAST our philosophy is simple – procure the best ingredients, process them minimally, and preserve them naturally. Our formulas are organic, food-grade, and contain only three ingredients. We exclude water, surfactants and preservatives that can cause harm to human health, leaving only what is necessary and kind to humans. All products are tested for purity, potency, safety and efficacy by a third party analytical lab.
Price $77 SRP $77 SRP
Active Ingredient Cannabis Sativa Oil derived from hybrid AC/DC X Cannatonic genetics grown organically in CO.
Cannabis Sativa Oil derived from BoAx genetics grown biodynamically in VT.
Other Ingredients: Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil,MCT Oil. Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil, MCT Oil. CBD 303mg 607mg THC 0mg 27mg
Terpene Soothing // Balancing Restorative // Calming
- Single source, organic, outdoor grown and genetically pure cannabis strains are selected for their highly therapeutic cannabinoid and terpene profiles.
- C02 extracted oils are unmatched in potency, purity, and bioactivity.
- Organic hemp seed oil strikes the perfect balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fats, making it highly bioavailable.
- Packed with essential fatty acids that the body cannot produce on its own, this star ingredient produces a plumping effect when applied, while fortifying the skin’s protective barrier.
- Flora & Bast’s has been shown to deliver therapeutic benefits for metabolic illnesses from epilepsy to Alzheimer’s.
ENERGETIC OIL (Pure Caprylic Acid, 32oz)

Regular price$48.00
Made famous by Bulletproof Coffee, this highly prized MCT oil is converted directly into energy without the need for additional breakdown by the body. Serving as the centerpiece for a version of the Ketogenic Diet called The MCT Oil Diet, you can add it to your morning coffee or tea to help elevate and sustain energy levels throughout the day. Add to meals to increase savoriness and satiety. Ketogenic diets like the MCT Oil Diet have proven anti-inflammatory effects similar to cannabis.

I pulled this amazing Q & A with Derek Chase from Jamie Makeup (THANK YOU!!) It’s concise and perfect.

Difference between CBD and THC? – Almost Everyone
CBD and THC are both cannabinoids, which are lipids that protect the plant from pesky pests trying to get a bit of bud in their diet. While CBD and THC are both psychoactive when ingested, CBD produces a non-inebriating state of mind, while THC is responsible for the euphoric high associated with marijuana. Both have medical and wellness applications, though CBD is the only cannabinoid available over-the-counter at significant levels (remember the plants with > 0.3% THC are considered marijuana and therefore only sold through dispensaries in states with legal marijuana laws).
How does CBD work on lines and aging? – @AgeofFabulous
Derek Chase, Flora + Bast Founder
CBD has profound metabolic effects, slowing the rate of biological aging by balancing the skin’s endocannabinoid tone, preventing aging/lines and wrinkles from forming. CBD also helps increase the rate at which our skin cells turn over, and upregulates apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in tissue that is compromised or unhealthy, resulting in the reduction of everything from lines and wrinkles, to dark spots to saggy skin.
I have dry skin but also awful hormonal acne that just started in my 30s! Would CBD work? – @whitney.w.shaw
YAS! One of the biggest issues with acne products on the market today is that they are not only drying but also inflammatory. Adding a CBD-rich product to your routine will help to balance oil production, in addition to reducing inflammation (which is the underlying cause of acne, be it adolescent or adult onset). For best results, only use products containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide as spot treatments or on full face for an acute period of time (1-3 days max). Chronic use of these actives will result in continued breakouts over time.
How do you know what dose of CBD should be in products to get the maximum benefits? – @kathp227
There is very little reliable data on dosing for CBD, especially topically speaking. As such we led small scale consumer studies to understand where the best results were achieved, which landed us at 1% potency for our serum, and 20mg per dose (1mL, which is one full pipette) on our tincture.
When do I apply the CBD oil in my evening routine? Other lotions and serums first or the oil first? – LSG
Oil first, everything else after! Since the fatty acids in our oil is primarily that of the small molecule variety, it will absorb quickly (max 30 seconds). If applied on top, it may be more difficult for oil to absorb.
Does it come with a regimen and will it help to remove acne scars and dark pigmentation? – @malwina.07
Our recommended regimen, both day and night, in chronological order:
- Wash with a gentle, low surfactant cleanser (you can tell the level of surfactant by the amount of foam it produces); oil cleansers are preferred.
- Apply AGE ADAPTING FACIAL SERUM, pressing and or massaging into face for 30 seconds.
- Depending on your skins needs, add all other products over top. We believe in a water-free routine, with more aggressive products being reserved for nighttime use only (retinols, acids, vitamin Cs, etc…).
Is the Age Adapting Serum a day and night time usage? Can I use it with a Vitamin C serum? – @JulieG
BOTH! Safe to use with ANY product, as the cannabinoids and terpenes present in the serum are non-irritating or interactive as it pertains to other facial care ingredients. In addition to the serum not being conflicting, it will also help reduce the irritation that can be caused by a vitamin C product.
Does it calm rosacea? – @kelseywoods79
Anecdotally speaking, YAS! There still needs to be testing done on the effects of CBD on these types of dermatological disorders, but you are a prime candidate for a CBD-rich product.
Does it all smell like weed? lol – @SwitStacie
Our serum has a relatively mild cannabis scent that dissipates within 2-3 minutes, depending on how much you apply. Our tincture has a more distinct cannabis aroma given the potency and variety of cannabis we have selected for this product.
Can I use this with retinol? – @Marie
YAS! Like the vitamin C question, products that are likely to produce irritation and redness are perfect candidates to apply on top of our serum. Less irritation means more applications and more results from your retinoids! We love retinoids and will be launching into the ingredient in 2020.
Will you have better dreams with it? – @SwitStacie
There is a lot of data out there that shows a whole host of changes in sleep – lucid dreaming has been reported, as well as a reduction in dreams – bottom line is that it all depends on the needs of the individual, as CBD is an adaptogen and produces results depending on the needs of the individual. We have done small scale consumer studies which show variations in both REM sleep (when you dream) and deep sleep, so changes in dreaming is to be expected but not necessarily determined prior to testing.
Do you grow your own plants to create the product? – @ljkirven
We partner with 3 independent farms in OR, CO and VT.