we’re not chewing the fat here, we’re drinking it.

July 31, 2015


In my college days, I had a buddy named Jerry who would stir a tablespoon of butter into his morning coffee. We thought he was nuts. And he was. He was not the poster child of good health. He would add cream cheese to an egg sandwich at the deli, consume copious amounts of drugs and alcohol (well, it WAS college) and his only exercise was lifting weights every 16 days or so. He was a big kid and his diet suggested his heart was the size of a canned ham.

Fast forward to 2014 and enter Bulletproof coffee. The first time I was introduced to this new take on Joseph and the hype it created, I immediately jumped to the conclusion that Jerry was the founder.

One day, while visiting San Diego, I walked in on my friend Paul (who is a fitness instructor) making it:

  1. Brew a cup of coffee
  2. Add 1-2 tablespoons grass-fed, unsalted butter
  3. Mix it all in a blender for 20-30 seconds until it is foamy

Official Bulletproof recipe here!

I missed the part where he added the MCT oil (or as bulletproof coffee aficionados like to call it, Brain Octane, of which we are daily addicts). I was taken a back. Here I am drinking three to four cups of coffee a day, loaded with half and half and wondering why my jeans don’t button, and my friend is drinking coffee with butter and oil mixed into it and he looks like a Spartan warrior. There hasn’t been a beverage revelation like this since the fizzy lifting drink developed by Willy Wonka, and that wasn’t even fucking real.

I now envisioned Jerry driving a new Tesla down the Long Island Expressway, sipping on a travel mug with butter lathered into his mustache. In between sips, he was laughing maniacally in jest of his college friends who ridiculed his morning rituals. Only after a cursory Google search, I learned immediately that Jerry was not the founder.



Dave Asprey, founder and CEO of Bulletproof

It was a guy who goes by the name of Dave Asprey. So now that we ruled out Jerry as the founder, lets talk about Bulletproof’s latest performance enhancer: FATwater. FATwater contains patented nanoparticles of Bulletproof XCT Oil™, the most valuable Medium Chain Triglyceride fats (MCTs) found in coconut oil. Your body easily absorbs these XCT Oil nanoparticles, which efficiently escort water into your body so you can experience extreme hydration. Extreme hydration?! Let’s just say this stuff makes the hump on a camel look like a fruit dehydrator. It’s been an unseasonably hot and humid summer in L.A. I have been battling dehydration since Memorial Day. I barely drink any water, I’m either too busy, too dumb or too forgetful.

FATwater changed that real fast. After just a few gulps of this elixir I felt instantly hydrated…and it tastes great! You would think water mixed with oil would taste like, well, water mixed with oil. But the added essence of the fruit flavors will really give other flavored waters a run for their money.

Plus only 2 grams of fat and only 20 calories (compared to sugary energy drinks like Gatorcrap).

So next time you find yourself dehydrated, grab a bottle of FATwater and turn your dried out, sandpapered tongue into what will instantly feel like the the main tributary of Niagara Falls. Just look out for Jerry, he may try to ride a barrel down it.

About Bulletproof
Founded by biohacker, bestselling author and Bulletproof Coffee creator Dave Asprey, Bulletproof is dedicated to providing the world with groundbreaking, science-based information, techniques, tools and products to help people perform better, increase focus, enhance energy, and live longer. Resources include #1 ranked radio show and podcast Bulletproof Radio, the New York Times bestselling book THE BULLETPROOF DIET, documentary feature film MOLDY, The Bulletproof Executive blog, and more. https://www.bulletproofexec.com

About Trinity Ventures
Trinity Ventures is a top-tier venture capital firm combining business insight, practical expertise and a personal touch to help start-ups win big. For over eleven funds, Trinity has helped passionate entrepreneurs with breakthrough ideas transform markets and lives. Trinity’s investment team takes a collaborative approach and believes in personal engagement, mutual respect and goal alignment to deliver out-sized returns to entrepreneurs and investors. The firm invests in early stage technology companies with emphases on Cloud, Digital Media, Social Commerce and Entertainment, and Software as a Service.

– Written by Christian Majewski

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we’re not chewing the fat here, we’re drinking it.

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