An Evening of Yoga, Chanting and Transformation at THE HALL CENTER

March 3, 2017

Yoga, Chanting and Transformation

March 7 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm


An Evening of Yoga, Chanting and Transformation

Step into a world of contemplation and self-discovery, through movement, chanting, breathwork and meditation. Danielle will beckon you on a journey that begins with Sanskrit mantras that will wash over your energetic body, cleansing and shifting your internal landscape; she’ll incorporate concepts of ancient yogic traditions to help bring greater meaning and understanding to yoga asana pranayama practices. Danielle will serve actively as her healing hands guide students to ensure maximal alignment. The evenings will conclude with a meditation  tailored to the needs of the participants, enabling full integration of the evening experience.

Monthly: 1st & 3d Tuesdays ۰ 90 minutes

Registration Required

Students are encouraged to bring personal yoga mats, backjack chairs, blankets and/or water bottles to ensure comfort, and journals. All classes take place at The Hall Center. Ample area parking. 

Address: 406 Wilshire Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90401

Meet Danielle Karuna

Known for her intuitive abilities, as well as the ability to tap into the student’s needs in ensuring a healthy and happy mind, body and spirit,  Danielle was on the cutting edge of yoga delivery in New York and a favorite teacher there for many years. She brings her healing touch, warm demeanor, loving energy and yogini wisdom to LA, where she offers in-home-and-office personalized yoga and wellness sessions by appointment. She’ll draw upon her years of experience as a Jivamukti Yoga Teacher in facilitating Yoga offerings at The Hall Center that may include asanas, pranayama, chanting and meditation ~ infused always with compassion. We hope you join us!

Meditations for Optimal Health

This new series of meditations at the Hall Center explores the attainment of Optimal Health through the maintenance of a healthy body, mind and spirit. Positive thoughts and feelings as well as a positive outlook on life can heal you and directly improve your immune system, youthfulness and vitality. Unfortunately the opposite is true as well – it is said that 90% of doctor visits are related to stress. It is therefore up to us to tend the garden in which we want to live.

In these guided meditations you will learn proven techniques to cultivate healthier & higher states of consciousness as well as how to manage negative states of mind.  Join us for Meditations for Optimal Health and turn the garden of your mind into a lush oasis of joy and happiness.

Monthly: 2d & 4th Thursdays ۰ 1 Hour

Registration Required 

(Next Classes ~ Thursdays, March  9 & 23)

Peter Oppermann has practiced mindfulness meditation for over 20 years and has studied with some of the most renowned meditation teachers in the world. In addition, Peter has also received professional training and certifications in other modalities such as Holotropic Breathwork, Kripalu and Kundalini Yoga and Awakening Coaching. Peter is currently based in Los Angeles where he teaches workshops and coaches personal clients internationally.