Bellicon is a mini trampoline (known as a rebounder in the fitness world) that takes fitness to a whole new level. Bellicon has revolutionized rebounding by using small movements in a low-impact form of exercise to yield BIG results. Whether your goal is to get in shape, lose weight, improve your health, increase your stamina, or boost your immune system, bellicon has made the process more fun than ever. The nostalgic vibes of a trampoline workout allow for an enjoyable workout that you will look forward to all day, every day.
According to CEO Philip Von Kunhardt, Bellicon is the “highest quality and best performing fitness trampoline in the world” providing you with the opportunity to bounce your way the best version of yourself. With the mission of being the world’s most effective piece of fitness equipment, bellicon takes no shortcuts in bringing you quality materials and paying attention to the details so that it can have the best overall performance.
Unlike traditional trampolines, bellicon has traded springs for unique patented bungee cord rings. This added technology and innovative design enables you to have a much smoother and safer experience for your body and the strain on your body generally associated with a trampoline workout is virtually eliminated.
But wait, I haven’t even mentioned the best part! Outside of the fact that bellicon is totally fun and incredibly effective, it also provides serious health benefits. It exercises every one of the 638 muscles in your body, boosts your metabolism and works to stabilize your body’s balance and bone health, all while challenging your cardio system. I don’t know about you but if I can do all that while movin’ & groovin’ on a trampoline, I’m sold.
So add a little bounce into your workout and enjoy the benefits of jumping your way to health.
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