Bob Harper is HOT.

March 1, 2011

And his bod is ridic.

Here are some of Bob's tips from the Jan/Feb issue of Women's Health Mag.

Just a little pick me up on your Tuesday afty.


1.       Practice the sun salutation.  This isn’t just for yogis—it’s a total-body move that strengthens every inch of you.  Do them fast to raise your heart rate.  

2.       Work in intervals.  For the fastest and best results, add bursts of springs into a slow run.  Try this on your next jog: after a five-minute war-up, dial up your speed to n effort of about eight or nine (out of 10) for 30 seconds; then slow down to an effort of three and recover for up to three minutes.  Your goal: Work up to seven sprints in a half-hour run.

3.       Fill up on fewer calories.  I like these wheat-germ crackers called Bran Crispbread.  Each has 12 calories, no fat, and five grams of fiber.  Add a bit of hummus and you can have a plateful.  (I HAVE BEEN ON THESE FOR YEARS, BTW…I POUR – YES POUR- I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER ON THEM, OR FAT FREE CREAM CHEESE)

4.       Get some shut-eye.  People who get enough sleep make better choices and have more successful weight loss. Recovery time is essential, so make it a priority.

You can also get one of Bob’s exclusive workouts here:  

                              and stay tuned for my review of his latest workout dvd!