and while we’re getting techy this week…how about the PONG iPad2 Case?

February 10, 2012

you might remember? PONG is the only patented cell phone case proven to reduce cell phone radiation up to

and now :

Pong™ Case and Cover for the iPad 2

since i have the first gen pad – i gave it to my cousin to test. she is freakin in love with this multi-facted design.

read on, my friends! 

Using any case with your iPad 2 can reduce 3G transmission power by up to 75%! Pong™ is the only solution proven in Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certified laboratories to protect iPad 2 users from electromagnetic radiation while preserving TRP (Total Radiated Power) of the iPads, and thus the transmission strength.

All 3G iPads have a built-in proximity sensor that significantly reduces transmission power when the iPad 2 is moved to within 10mm of the body. This reduction of power serves to lower the radiation levels experienced by the user (SAR or specific absorption rate), low enough to meet FCC limits. However, the proximity sensor is triggered not just by the body, but by any solid. As a result, all commercial cases for the iPad 2 also cause the proximity sensor to trigger, which can reduce your transmission power by up to 75%.

Now Pong's unique design and technology provides the only solution which allows the iPad 2 to be used as designed. Pong's unique design ensures that the antenna is exposed at all times keeping transmission power optimized. And Pong's patented antenna technology spreads and redistributes the electromagnetic radiation, lowering the SAR by up to 82% below the FCC limits.

The iPad 2 case is stylishly designed, and fits perfectly with the iPad 2. The case includes a unique soft faux leather cover that that can be folded in multiple configurations , providing screen protection while functioning as a versatile stand in both the horizontal and vertical direction! The cover also includes smart technology to put your iPad 2 in sleep mode when closed, and wake your iPad 2 when opened. The iPad 2 case is made of Lexan and features the same soft touch finish found in many other Pong smart phone cases.

