Halloween may not seem like it counts as part of the official holiday season, but this first fall event really does mark the beginning of a very busy, intensely social, and calorie-laden few months that we dread for our bodies and crave for our spirits. But you really don’t have to completely derail: There are so many ways to enjoy these festive periods without losing too much ground.
Halloween marks the time of year when we can all dress up to be anything we want. My father is an artist and I can still recall when he transformed me into a butterfly by painting a sheet. Not only is the holiday a great time for creativity, whether you’re channeling a witch, Walter White, or Willy Wonka, but it’s the perfect opportunity to find your balance before the holiday season gets into full swing. It’s so important to take a beat, to acknowledge what’s ahead, and to figure out a plan for enjoying this time while still owning our figures. Despite the processed piles of sugar that represent this holiday (which, admittedly, I find most unhealthy), you can find balance.
Even though we’re now adults, it’s still important to find the best way to take care of the little kid inside of all of us. Would we let ourselves eat a pillowcase full of candy? Stay up all night drinking soda? Camp out on the couch in front of the TV all day? I hope the answer to all of these questions is no. That said, there are many emotional ties to the holidays that trigger various cravings that are engrained in all of us, and it can be incredibly difficult to change what seems like an undeniable destiny. It’s essential to learn how to enjoy without crashing our operating systems. Our bodies aren’t that different from our beloved tech devices: If we start downloading without thought or consideration we may end up with viruses that slow down our hard drives. It’s also possible to think that you’re doing well and making great choices and still end up with a Trojan Horse that can wipe you out.
While the easy answer might seem like it’s to avoid anything and everything that might derail your diet, that’s not the right solution. You shouldn’t cut out all things that sound delicious because the truth is that your system may not be allergic to any of it. Every single one of us operates differently. In fact, I’m allergic to many “super foods”—they cause upset in my system. If I listened to any old diet book my system wouldn’t operate at its best. In the same vein, you need to know yourself, and how various food groups affect your system, before you go wildly cutting them out of your life.
One thing we are all allergic to, though, is processed foods. Quite frankly, they’re the ultimate computer virus, and the enemy of health and productivity: They cause stubborn weight gain, addiction, chronic inflammation, chronic illness, heart disease, cancer, dementia, neurological problems, brain fog, and infertility. In addition to being totally unnatural and unsympathetic to our bodies, these synthetic foods are loaded with pesticides. These are NOT comfort foods: There are far more delicious ways to find comfort in food, which is why we’re kicking things off with a few of my favorite fall recipes that are to die for.
We found inspiration for these first recipes in an amazing woman who is all too familiar with the terrors of processed food. She is a cancer survivor who now works at Whole Foods, inspiring and empowering others to eat well through education and support. She is amazing and one of the women a part of my new show with AOL. My favorite food guru Megan and I whipped up several ways you can use a little bit of fresh organic parmesan cheese to make the most delicious gluten free hors d’oeuvres. Even the men will include these in their football party fare line-up. I’d also like to note that while I’m allergic to gluten, I have no sensitivity to dairy. While it’s pretty cut and dry that grains and man-made fats and sweets don’t add much in the way of health benefits, dairy is debatable. When you’re picking out cheese, make sure it’s slow-pasteurized or raw, and always organic and grass-fed, which ensures that it has more live nutrients and enzymes. I also skip out on any low-fat dairy, since full fat versions reduce insulin spikes and ensure that the calcium is bio-available.
Try our gluten-free pumpkin log and then tell me that it isn’t to-die for. Megan is a genius in the kitchen, and will be providing all sorts of delicious treats throughout the holiday season that will ensure you can indulge without chucking your results out the window. And it goes without saying that the best way to stave off holiday weight creep is to stick to your workouts: These will see you through more calorically turbulent waters.