MealEnders – a natural way to curb post meal overeating.

January 4, 2016

MealEnders are interesting. I think they might work.

We’ve binged our way to January and now we all want to repent. Bring on the post New Year’s struggle with quality and quantity of food. MealEnders has a plan to deal with all of it.

Launched in SF in Jan 2015 and created by Silicon Valley¹s Mattson, these groundbreaking little lozenges cleanse the palate and reset the taste buds to curb overeating and teach portion control without added stimulants or questionable diet ingredients.

Rather, they work using a combo of sensory science and behavioral psychology. No other product like it currently exists on the market.

To use, just pop one in your mouth when cravings are getting the best of you, and let the duo-layered lozenges work their magic. And the thing is, they actually have helped me to STOP eating more and more and more. This is personally my biggest issue. I basically don’t know when to stop eating. These lozenges are not magic. They do not suppress appetite with creepy stimulants. They work with end of meal psychology. A tiny dose of sweet, signals the end of a meal giving way to a cooling/tingling sensation that cleanses the palate and, once dissolved, lingers on the tongue — a process that lasts up to 20 minutes and gets you through what’s known as the “overeating zone.”

MealEnders are the perfect thing to carry in your purse, or keep in a bowl at your desk, or on the kitchen counter.

Nutrition Facts:
€   15 Calories
€   2 Grams of sugar
€   Trans-fat free
€   Four flavors: Cinnamon, Chocolate Mint, Mocha & Citrus
€   25-Piece pouches
€   The ingredients can be found here:


MealEnders’ active-taste formula rewards and resets your taste buds, distracting you from the temptation to overindulge.  First the delicious Reward Layer treats you to the sweet taste of dessert – a signal we typically associate with the end of a meal.  Then the Inner Core’s Active-Taste Layer releases a proprietary blend of gentle, cool tingling sensations on the tongue, which engage the trigeminal nerve, distracting your mind from the urge to continue overeating.  You can feel your MealEnder go to work instantly.


Unlike other diets or diet aids that focus solely on your stomach, MealEnders cue the cessation of eating by targeting the mind’s attention and the body’s reaction to sensations.  By engaging your trigeminal nerve, MealEnders keep your mind occupied for up to 20 minutes (the Overeating Zone), giving your natural satiety process time to kick in and catch up.  When the MealEnders experience dissipates, your body’s natural signaling process of satiation will have begun.


MealEnders fit easily into your existing routine, helping you learn healthy portion control.  And they aren’t a drug, stimulant or supplement.  MealEnders are a straightforward, common-sense way to assist you in reducing the amount of food you eat.  MealEnders naturally transition you away from your desire to eat too much and help train the mind and body to eat healthy, right-sized portions.  Read more about how best to use MealEnders HERE.