My HCG Journey with Dr. Tracy Darling

May 3, 2016

I cannot wait to get fully into this with you. But quickly, I just started on my HCG journey and I will tell you all about it.

First off, I totally fell in love with Dr. Tracy Darling and via Skype!! She is everything and then some. I chose to get my HCG vaccine at the doctors, but I later found out you can purchase a HCG set online at IHCG Injections Website at a cheaper price and do it all yourself! If I’d have known this before…oh well, I don’t regret my experience with Dr. Tracy!

Next, I am on day 4. If you know about HCG, then you know it’s a no joke weight release protocol that is very, very, exacting and strict.

More to come as I am swamped at the moment – but so far, so good!!!

Read more about it here!

Have you used every diet and “weight loss” program ever invented, only to “lose the weight” and gain it back? (By the way, when you lose something, don’t you want to go find it?)

The hCG Weight Release Program is a way to rebalance hormones, shed excess weight, and help to eliminate carbohydrate cravings in one step.

This Program is based on the original Simeons Protocol, and recommendations made in Kevin Trudeau’s book, “The Weight Loss Cure”.

We strongly feel that this is not just a weight reduction program, but a “healthy for life” change for which your body will thank you in many ways for years to come!

-Dr. Tracy Darling

The idea behind the program is to use hCG (pregnancy hormone) to burn abnormal fat reserves in your body that have grown to excess due to chemicals and overprocessing of your food, poor eating habits, stress, and an imbalance of the hypothalamus (in the brain). Using very small daily injections of this hormone, along with a very low calorie diet for 6 weeks, the average person will lose 1 pound per day (usually 30-40 pounds in 45 days), and keep it off after they start a healthy, higher calorie diet following the program.

We do emphasize eating only whole and organic foods. Additives like corn syrup and hydrogenated oils, chemicals like pesticides, MSG, and artificial sweeteners, and processed food like sugar and white flour are what got you in the position you are in now: craving the wrong foods, eating too much and at the wrong times, and depleting your body of necessary nutrients, as well as chemical poisoning of many of your body systems. The excess weight you may be carrying is actually the last step in the toxicity process.

Dr. Darling has added to the program her own therapies and tips to insure lasting success with your body reshaping plan. These include assessing your nutritional status, removing as many medications as safely possible, balancing your body’s energy system, and addressing emotional/stress issues which no doubt are a contributing factor.